About me

Hello, my name is David Gonzalez
I transferred to the University of Arkansas from Towson University in Towson, Maryland. Once I arrived in Fayetteville, I submitted my portfolio for the university’s graphic design program but unfortunately did not get accepted. When turning to a new medium to work in, I discovered mold-making and 3D sculpture. These new mediums allowed me to learn about 3D printing and digital fabrication with the CNC laser cutter, CNC router, and CNC plasma cutter. After learning how to navigate and utilize Rhino 7 and PrusaSlicer, I was able to design and create 3D objects from 2D materials such as steel, wood, and PLA filament. This art medium allows me to design without being in the graphic design program. Without the restrictions of graphic design, I was able to gain experience in the woodshop and metal shop to further my hands-on experience. Once completing an artwork, documentation is key and this process allowed me to learn about programs that would be utilized if I was accepted into the graphic design program.
I believe I made the right decision as I have gained experience in areas where I would not expect to gain experience. Some areas include grant proposal writing and how to apply in the future, learning how to set up and procure an exhibition of my own, and how to create artworks involving multiple mediums and not restricting myself to one. My future plans are to pursue a master’s degree in fine arts for 3D fabrication. I’d also like to pursue a minor in art education while pursuing my master's. I look at objects and think about how I would make them myself, which begins my brainstorming process and ends up leading to multiple ideas from something as common as a park bench. I plan to pursue a career in carpentry and furniture design, which utilizes my experience in the woodshop and metal shop, and my knowledge of Rhino 7 to create and 3D render my own designs to bring them to reality with CNC machines. Being hands-on makes me feel more accomplished after completing a project, and is one of the many reasons why I feel this career path will suit me the best.
I invite you to further explore my e-portfolio of my experiences from pursuing my Bachelor of Arts at the University of Arkansas.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
University of Arkansas
Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art
Minor: Art History
University of Arkansas – Fayetteville, Arkansas
GPA: 3.67
Dean’s List during Fall 2019 and Spring 2020
Chancellor’s List: Fall 2019