Bench Proposal for FAMA: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
This project was a group exercise that included each student creating their design of a public area that would be located in between the Tsa La Gi Trail and the SculptureX building, and be open access to users of the trail of the art building. After presenting the final proposals to the class and professor, the class voted on which design to submit to FAMA to have the possibility of being a funded project by an outside source instead of through the class fee’s set aside for materials. I created a 3D model of a public bench area that incorporated a garden bed for greenery and garden plants, a privacy wall to separate the Tsa La Gi Trail users and the public area users, and seating that can have up to twenty people comfortably seated. The results were my design was chosen by the class and then submitted to FAMA, currently waiting on a response to begin the project process.
A career aspiration I have now that I did not have two years ago, is a career in digital fabrication. This would include creating furniture through computer programs and machines, to have an opportunity of mass-producing these pieces and sell them as a source of income. The possibilities seem endless. This project relates to my other skills and knowledge of the program Rhino 7, which allows me to create 3D renderings, 2D designs, and allows me to create objects that can be 3D printed and then utilized for said projects. Some of the challenges I faced along the way was the array of feedback I received from classmates during the design phase of the project. I saw it as a customer having a custom order for a business opportunity that involved me including several aspects of their choosing. This ideology tricked my brain into putting my full effort into the design phase as if I were presenting this to a customer in hopes they approve. Consideration and patience were some skills I utilized and was able to expand upon throughout the design phase. I am proud of myself for completing a large-scale rendering of public spaces. I am also proud that out of the eleven designs that could have been chosen, mine was voted by the class to be submitted to FAMA. It showed that my attention to detail in the design phase had paid off in the long run.
This project experience made me more aware of the process of designing and proposing a public area to an outside source for funding. The process is more tedious and time-consuming than I originally believed, and forced me to use time-management skills. There are several different things to consider when designing a space to be used by the public. Making sure that it is being offered equally in use to all people (short, tall, disabled, etc.), withstanding weather and long duration in one location, and mitigating possibilities of theft and vandalism. The consideration of the public when creating this space allowed me to think in a different mindset, almost overanalyzing each aspect of the design to make sure it would be suitable and usable by all people instead of being biased toward a certain group of people. This is something I will consider in my future projects, especially if the piece includes public or audience interactions. I would like to learn more about putting myself out there in advertisements to have the opportunity of designing public spaces such as parks, bus stops, museum galleries, and much more. Broadening my knowledge and experiences is a priority to me as everything I have learned so far has intrigued me and led to new experiences and opportunities.